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Booking and Cancellation Policy 

We understand that delays are sometimes incurred in our day. 
We ask that you take steps to prioritise your appointment with us as you would prioritise any other commitment you have made. 

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Our therapists' time is as valuable as yours.

A $55 booking deposit secures your exclusive appointment time. This is transferable, however non-refundable. 

This booking deposit is held as a fee for ALL no-show appointments and same-day cancellations, for whatever the reason may be. This is to compensate the therapist for their time and energies in preparing for your appointment.

If you need to reschedule or cancel, pl​ease allow as much time as possible so we can fill your space from our wait list and social media following, and if the spot is filled, your deposit is transferred to a rescheduled time. 

Alternatively, and always preferred, you may send someone in your place to take up the same treatment you have booked. We are always happy for your referrals. 

Appointments may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48hrs prior to the booking start time. After which, it is at the discretion of the clinic to change your booking to another date and implement our wait list to fill your spot. If your booking cannot be filled by another client on the day, your booking deposit is held as a fee.

To reschedule or cancel your booking: Contact us by phone only on +61413298930 as soon as you know you won’t be able to make your appointment time. 

Please DO NOT reach out via social media or reply to confirmation or reminder messages sent by our booking software. These systems are not monitored regularly and may result in your message being overlooked.  

FAQ What if I’m running late?

We understand that delays are sometimes incurred in our day. If you are running late please contact the clinic straight away by phone only on +61413298930. For most delays of less than 15mins, you will be able to enjoy the full length of your booking time. For delays longer than 15mins you may have a reduced treatment time so as not to impact the timings of other bookings that day.

FAQ What if I am sick or my children are sick? 
We absolutely want you to prioritise your health and that of your family. We also do not want to pass any germs on to our staff and appreciate you letting us know if you are unwell. If your booking can be filled by someone else, then you will not incur any cancellation fees, however late notice can result in a $55 fee being placed on your account. Please advise the clinic if you are feeling unwell as soon as possible. 

FAQ What if I am called into work? 
The nature of our work can change week to week and we understand that making a booking in advance may impact your upcoming roster. Please advise the clinic as soon as you are aware of any clash in your calendar, however if this is within 48hrs of your booking, you will be required to pay the $55 fee, unless another client can take your place. Rescheduling to another time or another day may be better than cancelling altogether.

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